Learn French With Call My Agent: 17 Best Lines Translated into English


Florence Harang

Also known as “Call my agent” in English, “Dix Pour Cent”, is a comedy-drama which is very popular amongst French learners. The TV series is set in a Parisian talent firm, where a team of agents take us behind-the-scenes of celebrity living.

If you’re learning French, watching “Call my agent” will help you build up your French vocabulary used by natives.  In this week’s post, I’m sharing the 17 best spoken lines of Call My Agent along with their English translations.

1 - Learning French with Call My Agent is fun and efficient

Studying French with standard learning resources is important when you are a beginner or if you have an elementary level, but there are some more fun ways to expand your vocabulary, and one of them is watching French TV. I particularly recommend the worldwide hit “Call My Agent.” In addition to immersing you in the glamorous atmosphere of a Parisian talent firm, you will also build up your vocabulary as you will come across lots of new words, common French expression and slang vocabulary used by natives.

Watching Call My Agent will help you to hear how words are supposed to be pronounced, something which is hard to do through just reading. You will eventually begin to sound more natural when speaking French. You might even be able to pick up on different accents!

Most series nowadays offer the option of subtitles. Studies have shown that people who watch movies with subtitles retain more aurally than those who watch them without. This is a great opportunity to improve your listening skills. But also your comprehension skills. 

2 - 17 best lines in Call my agent with English translations

 1 - Camille Valentini

"Je peux faire n'importe quoi. Apporter les sushis, le café, la cocaïne."

“I can do whatever. Bring sushi, coffee, cocaine”

2 - Andréa Martel

"Quand je suis passée des mecs aux filles, j'ai eu l'impression de passer du bac à sable à un terrain de foot."

When I switched from guys to girls, it felt like I went from a sandbox to a football stadium”


3 - Monica Bellucci to Gabriel

“L'hiver arrive, le froid aussi. T'as pas des copains à me présenter ?”

“Winter is coming, and the cold with it. Don’t you have any friends to introduce me to?”


4 - Monica Bellucci to Gabriel

“Je cherche juste un mec normal un prof de maths, un ébéniste, quelqu’un qui vit dans un appartement à taille humaine, qui paye ses factures, qui sorte tout seul ses poubelles”

“I'm just looking for a normal guy, a maths teacher, a carpenter, someone who lives in a human-sized apartment, who pays his bills, who takes out his trash on his own”

5 - Isabelle Huppert to Gabriel

“Je ne joue pas dans Hamlet, je suis Hamlet !”

“I don’t play in Hamlet, I am Hamlet!”


6 - Artistic Director of the Opening Ceremony of the Cannes Festival to Juliette Binoche

Artistic director “Malheureusement, on ne peut pas avoir deux femmes le même soir dans la même tenue”

Unfortunately, we cannot have two women on the same evening in the same woman’s outfit

Juliette Binoche (sarcastic) : “Mais 100% des hommes oui !” “But 100% of the men yes!”


7 - Joey Starr to Andrea (about Julie Gayet)

“On dirait qu'elle est née au XVIIIe siècle. Je suis sûr qu'elle est née dans un couvent tellement elle est coincée !”

Coincé (e ): stuck up (slang)

“It looks like she was born in the 18th century. She is so stuck up that I am sure she was born in a convent!”


8 - Andréa to an ex-girl friend

“Je ne t’ai pas larguée comme une merde, je t’ai quand-même envoyé un texto”

Larguer quelqu’un: to dump someone

Une merde: shit

“ I didn’t just dump you like you were trash, I sent you a text though”


9- Mathias to Camille ( his daughter )

Le monde du cinéma c’est pas un truc qu’on fait comme ça comme de la danse ou du judo. C’est avant tout une industrie et c’est un monde de requins »

Un truc: thing

Un monde de requins: a dog-eat-dog world (meaning : you have to fight for it)

 “The world of cinema is not something you do just like dancing or judo. It’s first and foremost an industry and it’s a dog eat dog world


10 - Arlette to her dog (Jean Gabin)

Jean Gabin, is the name of a famous French actor of the thirties, the forties and the fifties

"Amènes-toi, Jean Gabin !"

Come here Jean Gabin!”


11- Arlette to the team

"Cécile de France trop âgée pour un rôle ? C'est quoi le rôle, un enfant ?"

Cécile de France too old for a movie? But what is the role, a kid?”

12 - Hervé to Ramzy

Vous êtes pas obligés de rester dans vos schémas hétéro-conservateur Ramzy, vous pouvez être du côté de la paix, du progrès

You don't have to stick to your hetero-conservative Ramzy patterns, you can be on the side of peace, of progress

13 - Mathias to Camille

“Ne laisse jamais un acteur croire que tu as besoin de lui mais toi fais lui croire qu’il a besoin de toi”

“Never let an actor believe that you need him but make him believe that he actually needs you”


14 - Hicham to the team

Cette année, vous êtes bien débrouillés, vous vous êtes battus comme des chiens et j’aime ça

Se débrouiller : to handle, to manage

Se battre comme des chiens : to fight like dogs

This year you did well, you fought like dogs and I like it


15 - Andrea to the team

“ On se remet tous au boulot, on est une agence qui pulse à mort, d’accord ?”

Le boulot : work (slang)

Pulser : to rock ( slang)

“We’re all getting back to work, we are an agency that rocks, all right ?”


16 - Andrea to Sigourney Weaver

Andrea “Il est fantastique Bernard, c’est un immense acteur ! Il était exceptionnel en prêtre pédophile dans le dernier François Ozon»

« He's fantastic Bernard, he's a huge actor! He was exceptional as a pedophile priest in the last François Ozon”

Sigourney (sarcastic here, in English) : Pédophile ? I can’t wait (In French : “j’ai hâte”)

Avoir hâte : to look forward to something

17 - Charlotte Gainsbourg to Andréa

“Officiellement, j’adore le film mais il n’est pas question que je le fasse. C’est clair ?”

Il n’est pas question : it is out of question

“ Officially I love the movie, but there's no way I will act in it. Is that clear?”