DELF B2 Exam Preparation

Prepare the DELF B2 in Paris with our Private French Lessons

A French certification is often a requirement to stay in France and to obtain a residence card (minimum A2 level the TCF exam) to a higher level for DELF B1 for citizenship and in most cases a DELF B1-B2 to be able to work comfortably in a French speaking business environment.

If you are looking for an effective and personalized preparation in Paris on the DELF (A1, A2, B1), DALF (B2, C1) and TCF, you should prepare the examination with French à La Carte.

Our French tutors are certified & experienced to train students with a solid preparation online or in person to the test.

What is the DELF B2?

A B2 user has a degree of independence that allows him/her to construct arguments to defend his/her opinion, explain his/her point of view and negotiate.

At level B2, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting his/her own mistakes.

DELF B2 examination is based on ​level B2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

A DELF B2 diploma and certification are essential if you are applying for a French university program.

At the DELF B2 level, you should be able to:

  • Interact with a high degree of fluency and spontaneity

  • Understand the main ideas of a complex written document

  • Be able to write a detailed text on a specific topic using an appropriate and very precise vocabulary

  • Speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, give an opinion on a topical issue and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities.

What is the DELF B2 test?

A good way of preparing for DELF B2 is to see what the test consists of. There are 4 parts in the test:

  1. Listening (30 minutes - score 25)

    Comprehension questionnaires dealing with three recordings:  
        - interview, news bulletin etc (played once) 
        - presentation, lecture, speech, documentary, radio or television program (played twice).

  2. Reading (1 hour - score 25)

    Comprehension questionnaires dealing with two written documents: 
        - text of an informational nature regarding France or the French-speaking world 
        - text of an argumentative nature

  3. Writing (1 hour - score 25)

    personal opinion (contributing to a debate, formal letter, review of a film/book)

  4. Speaking (30 minutes -score 25)
    Stating and defending an opinion based on a short document designed to elicit a reaction.

You will have 10 minutes to prepare for parts 2 and 3.

With our French lessons in Paris focused on the DELF B2 preparation, you will:

  • Get the information required on the syllabus of the exam.

  • Identify and put a focus on the linguistic skills you need to improve to get ready for the exam.

  • Train to the test with rehearsing exams, assessments and active correction.

  • Study with online & printed resources dedicated to the exam preparation.

  • Track your progress along the throughout the preparation along with grammar and vocabulary exercises if necessary.

What are the benefits of taking a DELF B2 Exam Preparation Course in Paris?

With our private French lessons focused on the DELF / DALF /TCF preparation you:

  • Learn at your own pace in person in Paris or online, whenever it suits you during the week or on the weekend.

  • Learn from your home in Paris, from your office or online.

  • Get a personalized detailed feedback from experienced and certified French tutors.

  • Increase your chances to pass the DELF / DALF / TCF exam with an individual preparation throughout the personalized exam training.

  • Study all the skills assessed at the exam:

    • oral comprehension (listening)

    • written comprehension (reading)

    • oral expression (speaking)

    • written expression (writing)

Feedback from Students

Pricing per Hour for our French courses

Personal Tutoring Rates

1 person - Day time - 55 €
2 people - Day time - 63 €

1 person - After 6.30 pm or weekends - 60 €
2 people- After 6.30 pm or weekends - 68 €

Get in touch with us
Call on us
06 62 21 90 70 or fill in the form below