10 French Books for Children To Learn French

Do your kids spend a lot of time learning online? Are you trying to get them to spend less time on screens? From elementary to more advanced levels, today we are sharing some book titles for those who want a break from movies, podcasts etc. Most of the recommended books in this article are aimed at children under 10 years old who already have a basic mastery of French. However, some of these titles can also help adults who are learning French.

Here are 10 recommended French children's books selected by Marie, a French tutor for children at ‘French à La Carte’.

Why Learning French with Children’s Books is effective

If you’re an adult and want to improve your French reading, the truth is it's never too late to dive into children's books. Not only will you enrich your vocabulary and improve your comprehension, but you will also be immersing yourself in the world of children with endearing characters and beautiful illustrations. Reading books in French is a fantastic way to progress in French.

So awaken the hidden inner child within you! The 10 French books for children we recommend in this article are often short, easy to read, full of images, fun, and absolutely charming. Immerse yourself in the world of dinosaurs, etc., and perfect your level of French all at once! In some of these French books for children you can also explore the city of Paris through the eyes of the authors.

We can thank the internet for bringing us French books by means of one or two clicks! To purchase any of the below titles, or even read eBooks for free, you will need to browse websites such as Amazon.

1-    C’est moi le plus fort

Author Mario Ramos - L’école des loisirs

In 'C'est moi le plus fort' by Mario Ramos, a boastful wolf claims to be the strongest animal in the forest. However, he is challenged by various other animals who outsmart him, leading to humorous and unexpected outcomes! Through playful illustrations and witty storytelling, the book teaches a valuable lesson about humility and the importance of cooperation. For Marie, This book allows you to learn vocabulary around fairytales and practice comparison.

2-Pop mange de toutes les couleurs -

Author Pierrick Bisinski Ecole des loisirs

In 'Pop mange de toutes les couleurs' by Bisinski Sanders, a picky eater named Pop discovers the joy of trying new foods when he starts eating colorful fruits and vegetables. Through vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, children can learn about the importance of a balanced diet and embracing diversity. This is an excellent book for learning vocabulary related to colors, fruits, and vegetables.

3-    J’ai peur – Les émotions de Gaston

Author Aurélie Chien Chow Chine Mes livres jeunesse

In 'J'ai peur - Les émotions de Gaston,' Gaston experiences fear when confronted with a spooky situation. With the help of his friends, he learns to overcome his fear and finds courage within himself. Through colorful illustrations and relatable storytelling, the book explores the theme of overcoming fear and the support of friends. In this book, you will learn vocabulary in French about emotions: fear, joy, sadness etc.

4-    Les toutous à Paris

Dorothée de Monfreid L’école des loisirs

In 'Les toutous à Paris' by Dorothée de Monfreid, a group of adventurous dogs explore the sights and sounds of Paris. From the Eiffel Tower to the bustling streets, they embark on a charming journey filled with surprises. Through delightful illustrations and playful storytelling, the book captures the magic of Paris and the joy of friendship.

5-    Monsieur Madame à Paris

Author Adma Hargreaves - Amazon

In 'Monsieur Madame à Paris,' the beloved Mr. Men and Little Miss characters visit the iconic landmarks of Paris. From the Louvre to the Notre Dame Cathedral, they embark on a whimsical adventure filled with laughter and discovery. With vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, the book introduces children to the charm of Paris and its famous attractions. Thanks to this book, you will learn vocabulary for describing things.

6-    Cachée ou pas j'arrive

Author Lolita Séchan - Amazon

‘Caché ou pas j’arrive’  is a delightful story about a game of hide-and-seek among friends, where each one tries to find the best hiding spot. Children discover clever and funny places to conceal themselves, with unexpected twists on every page.

This book encourages imagination, creativity, and camaraderie while providing a dose of suspense and enjoyment. Perfect for learning French vocabulary related to describing houses and characters.

7 - Paris y es-tu ?

Author Masumi Kamiyama - Amazon

‘Paris y es-tu?’ is a captivating book that takes young readers on a journey through the streets of Paris. With vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, children explore iconic landmarks and discover the magical city. Through the playful search for Paris in various settings, the book encourages curiosity and sparks the imagination of young readers.

A perfect book to discover French terms about location and also to explore the city.

8-Le problème avec les lapins

Author Emily Gravett - L’école des loisirs

In 'Le problème avec les lapins' by Emily Gravett, a little rabbit discovers that having too many rabbits can lead to unexpected challenges. Through delightful illustrations and clever storytelling, children learn about responsibility and the importance of finding solutions to problems. According to Marie, this book helps to learn counting in French. I think it is useful for practicing math at the same time!

9- Le Grand ménage

Emily Gravett - Author Emily Gravett

In 'Le Grand ménage' by Emily Gravett, a group of animals attempt to clean up their messy home with humorous results. Through witty illustrations and humorous storytelling, children learn about teamwork and the importance of keeping their surroundings tidy.

    According to Marie, this book deals with the theme of ecology. You will also learn vocabulary related to household chores. It is very useful for learning French terms related to everyday activities.

10   Je suis en retard à l’école parce que

Author Davide Cali - Benjamin Chaud - Amazon  

In 'Je suis en retard à l’école parce que' by Davide Cali and Benjamin Chaud, a young boy creatively explains his imaginative and humorous excuses for being late to school. Through playful illustrations and witty storytelling, children are entertained while learning about responsibility and accountability. According to Marie, this book is great for practicing French expressions that express cause.

Where to Find French Children’s Books ?

It may be all well and good to have a handy list of French novels at your disposal, but getting your hands on them may be another story. Luckily, we can give thanks to the internet for bringing the French library to our worlds by means of one or two clicks! To purchase any of the above titles or even read eBooks for free, browse websites such as Amazon etc

Fun French lessons for children with French à La Carte - In Paris or online

Our private lessons for children and teenagers are based on communication, using stimulating and creative activities dedicated to the specific needs of children and individual learning styles.

Whether your children haven’t had prior exposure to French, or if they are currently enrolled in a French school in Paris, our French tutors, specialized in teaching French to children and teenagers will use an engaging and stimulating teaching approach based each French learner.