How to sound French ?

How to Sound French ? is of the biggest needs for French Learners no matter how long they have been studying French. Speaking with a perfect French accent is a long way to go. How about lowering your expectations and just speak French that French native speakers can understand without making you repeating several times ?  The most important thing is to be easily understood by native speakers.

How to gain confidence while speaking ?

How to sound French ? Communication is not about sounding or faking French but expressing your ideas or emotions in a logical way .

I found a correlation between people who have a good vocab list and decent grammar and their pronunciation. Why? Because they practice more and more by speaking more frequently in French. Even with a bad accent you will keep improving your French by mimicking how French speak and you will be closer and closer to your goal “Speak like a French”. So instead of focusing on spending countless time to practice French Pronunciation alone, what about learn how to build sentences and exchange ideas in French. 

Translating sentences directly from English to French may not pan out.

Likewise, Americans are very enthusiastic about things compared to French people. We have a tendency to describe events as awesome, amazing, super cool, wicked, etc. A Frenchie would experience the same event and say things along the lines of, “not bad.” You might get a “woaw” out of them if you’re lucky. It happens every time they show off the new iPhone they bought.

To sound French : use on not nous

“Nous” is a pronoun that translates to “we” in English. However most people in France replace nous for the French pronoun on. “On” follows the 3rd person conjugation similar to il or elle which makes using it a breeze.

I found it strange because on was not covered during high school French and seldom used in university. Yet when you go to France everybody from the President to doctors, teachers, students, and cab drivers use the pronoun.

Keep in mind that sometimes you’ll have to use nous and not on, for instance when giving a command in the imperative.

If you have any further questions related to private French tuition in Paris, or you are looking for a private French tutor in Paris , please contact us.

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