10 Tips On How To Learn French Online For Free ?

The internet is full of valuable resources for French learners. You may be asking, is it possible to learn French for free online? I would say you won’t become completely fluent, but you can certainly make great strides in your learning. The internet has so many free resources for French learners such as YouTube, language exchange apps, blogs and more. Today, we’re sharing our 10 top tips on how you can learn some French online for free.

1- Use Facebook groups to connect with other French learners

Many people consider Facebook to be quite ‘outdated’ but there is some value there for French learners. There are various Facebook groups for people that are learning French. You can find a community of people that are willing to take learning seriously and connect with them.

I have done this in the past myself- you can chat with other learners in order to practice your writing or speaking, and ask questions when you are unsure of grammar/ vocabulary etc. It is a great way to find out your weak points (which is hard to do when learning from just a textbook).

2- Find an online language learning partner

Language exchange apps can be incredibly useful. For many people, speaking is the hardest part of learning French, and it is often the area that is neglected the most!

Finding a language exchange partner can be a wonderful way to get some speaking practice. The goal of these apps is that you connect with someone who speaks (French) fluently and in return they connect with someone who is fluent in English (you). You then chat in both languages. HelloTalk and Tandem are both free apps.

3 - YouTube is a gold mine for French videos

YouTube is entirely free and there are literally millions of French videos to watch on there! It is essential to practice listening to French, otherwise communicating becomes incredibly difficult. Subtitles can help your comprehension.

We have a blog post on some of our favorite French Youtubers. Also take a look at vloggers who regularly create videos on topics unrelated to French grammar: sports, fashion etc. This will allow you to pick up a range of French vocabulary.

4- Take a look at the ‘French à La Carte’ blog

On the French à La Carte blog, we regularly post useful content for French learners. For example, we have blog posts on grammar tips, vocabulary lists, tips on how to learn French, as well as information on French culture and life in Paris (where we are based). You can also reach out to us if you are looking for a French tutor to help you on your language learning journey.

5- Subscribe to Netflix

I am aware Netflix is not entirely free but the subscription fee really isn’t that expensive, and if you have a family member with an account maybe you can use theirs! Netflix offers a variety of movies, documentaries and series in French which can really help you to practice your comprehension skills. As an example, ‘Lupin’ is one of my favorites. Remember you can add the subtitles in French and/or English.

6- Make the most out of free French Apps

There are a range of French apps that can help you to learn French. We have a blog post that lists some of our favorite French learning apps. Many of these apps are entirely free (although some have paid subscriptions for more content). Apps are great because you can use them whenever and they are more interactive than simply learning from a textbook. Some apps specialize in vocabulary, others in grammar and speaking etc.

7 - Watch and read the news in French

Obviously, you will need at least an intermediate level of French to be able to understand the news in French. TV5Monde is a popular website which actually has a section for French learners. I used this website quite a lot myself when I was learning French. It has many useful videos with grammar quizzes to test your understanding. In terms of French newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro and Le Parisien are the biggest in France. They all have websites, but remember the vocabulary may be challenging for beginners.

8- Podcasts

In my opinion, podcasts are essential for a French learner. They are a bit slower and easier to understand than, for example, watching a French movie. Plus, many come with a transcript so you can follow along the written with the spoken. We have a wonderful blog post on some of the best French podcasts on the internet. Most of them are entirely free.

9- Listen to music in French

Who says you can’t have fun learning French? Music is a wonderful way to introduce yourself to spoken French. France has an incredibly diverse music industry and you are bound to find an artist you like. Again, YouTube is perfect for exploring the world of French music.

10- Follow French Instagram accounts

How many times do you login to instagram daily and randomly scroll through all the posts? Probably several. Well, why not use this to your advantage and follow some instagrammers that share French learning content regularly. We have a list of some of our favorites instagram accounts. Many of these instagrammers share useful and funny videos which are sure to keep you focused. Plus the information is more condensed, so you may find it easier to remember.

Learn French with French à La Carte

We offer personalized lessons in person in Paris or online with private French tutors.

We offer

  • Conversational French to improve your speaking abilities

  • French for professionals to feel confortable with your colleagues and clients

  • Lessons in the evening & on the week-ends for students with busy schedule

  • Immersive lessons in Paris to discover Paris while practising your speaking skills

  • Exam preparation ( TCF, DELF, DALF) with qualified tutors